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Design Services

Design Image Preparations
Design Monitoring

Design Searches and Clearance Opinions
Design Strategic Counselling

Design Filing in CH & Worldwide
Design Renewals Worldwide

Our team understands the importance of showing the uniqueness of your product to the world. We know that your team has worked hard to build something amazing: your new product design.

GatesIP will ensure that your design is yours and only yours, without any third-party infringement standing in the way. We can be your partner to protect the appearance, shape, decorative aspect and configuration of your brand-new product and obtaining protection for up to 25 years by renewing it every 5 years.

Our team is available to provide design patent protection, including:

  • Preparing design illustrations to ensure compliance with national requirements and the Hague system.
  • Search for existing designs to report on novelty
  • Preparing opinions on patentability, freedom of use, validity, and infringement
  • Filing and prosecuting design patent applications in Switzerland, Europe and internationally
  • Enforcing design patents rights locally or anywhere around the globe together with GatesIP partnered firms
  • Design maintenance of rights worldwide
  • Design monitoring services

One of our staff members can be appointed as your expert design attorney, available to assist you in your national/European/international search, filing, examination, protection and enforcement requirements of your designs.

We offer a package approach for filing design patent applications. Our unique concept is to apply a single fee and invoice covering the preparation and filing of the various formalities required by the respective national offices where design protection is required.